Sacramento Area Mental Health and Wellness Resources

  • 2-1-1 Sacramento
    *Multilingual Resource

    2-1-1 Sacramento provides free, confidential information and referral service that is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 2-1-1 can refer clients to more than 1,600 community services in the Sacramento area, including employment and training, housing information, financial assistance, children’s services, senior services, food programs, healthcare services, and more. For assistance and resources, dial 2-1-1 from your local telephone number or (916)498-1000 if calling from outside the area.
  • Mobile Crisis Support Team & Sacramento Police Department IMPACT Team
    *Dispatched through Law Enforcement

    Sacramento Police Dpartment non-emergency phone line (916) 264-5471 The Mobile Crisis Support Team is comprised of a specially trained officer and licensed mental health professional. Together, they respond on scene to situations involving people who are experiencing a mental health related crisis and have come to the attention of law enforcement.
    The Mobile Crisis Support team also does follow up visits, evaluate for mental issues in the field, refers those who qualify to Mental Health Court, and provides the most clinically appropriate resolution to the crisis by linking people to the least restrictive level of care that is appropriate.

    For more information about the Mobile Crisis Support call: (916)874-6057
    Or click here for a PDF of helpful information.
  • National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Sacramento

    NAMI Sacramento is a self-supporting 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and the Sacramento Affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Illness. It is a grassroots, self-help, volunteer support and advocacy organization of consumers, family members and friends of persons afflicted with serious brain disorders (mental illnesses), such as schizophrenia, major depression, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder and other anxiety disorders.
  • TLCS Crisis Respite Center

    The TLCS Crisis Respite Center provides services for people who need a different level of care than they can get at home, are not at immediate risk to themselves or others and have no acute med- ical conditions needing complex medical attention. Intake is conducted through a brief telephone assessment to assure the best service linkages.

    For more information about the TLCS Crisis Respite Center call: (916) 737-7483
    Or click here for a PDF of helpful information.